Driving chemistry and lifesciences forward: essenscia wallonie
essenscia wallonie is the regional division of essenscia, the Belgian sector federation that promotes the specific interests of companies active in chemistry and life sciences.
The chemical and life sciences sector is one of the major industrial sectors in Wallonia, representing a quarter of industrial turnover and more than a quarter of added value. The sector champions Walloon exports and innovation, accounting for almost 50% of total exports and two thirds of total private expenditure on research and development. The sector is experiencing rapid growth and turnover has doubled in the last ten years.
essenscia wallonie offers scientific and business advice, serves as a spokesperson in the media and defends the interests of chemistry and life sciences players in Belgium at all political levels.
Putting Wallonia on the map: Wallonia Export & Investment Agency
The Wallonia Export & Investment Agency is the public service in Wallonia in charge both of attracting foreign investment to Wallonia-Belgium and to stimulate foreign trade by assisting the companies established in our region in their export endeavours.
As a foreign investment agency, the Wallonia Export & Investment Agency has an overall responsibility for the attraction of foreign investment in Wallonia. This includes seeking out and providing information to potential foreign investors. The agency also offers a pro-active follow-up service to investors already established in Wallonia. In addition, it is in charge of identifying new foreign investors for the acquisition of industrial sites under restructuring process.
It constitutes a one-stop shop for all foreign companies interested in locating to Wallonia or expanding their existing activities and is the complete partner for all Walloon companies wishing to develop overseas.