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Takeda says yes to Belgium with a new sustainable biotechnology production facility in Lessines
At the end of August, Takeda inaugurated a new production facility at its global manufacturing site in Lessines, Belgium. The inauguration ceremony was attended by government officials as well as representatives of public authorities, industry and patient organizations...
Takeda unveils new state-of-the-art warehouse in Belgium to enhance global supply operations
aptaskil Competence Centre expands and goes digital to better meet talent needs in chemistry, biopharma and biotech
aptaskil, the competence centre for the chemical, biopharmaceutical, and biotechnological professions in Seneffe, is entering a new era with new infrastructure, larger training capacity and a major shift to digitalization of teaching methods. Over 8 million euros have been invested to upgrade the initial infrastructure, adding 1,400 m² of training facilities including clean rooms and laboratories, allowing the centre to train up to 6,000 learners each year (job seekers, workers, students), using, among other things, the latest virtual reality applications. The official opening was attended by Willy Borsus, Vice-President of Wallonia and Minister for Competence Centres.